Our Vision…
..is for every young person to fulfil their personal potential. Hope House School provides every student with the support when they need it – for them to develop into happy, healthy and secure young adults who are prepared for adult life.
Our Core Values…
..are based upon recognition that many of our students have had difficult journeys before arriving at Hope House School. Educational provision has been inappropriate, often resulting in several adverse experiences for both the young person and their family.
Therefore, we aim to transform those early experiences of education by addressing any barriers to learning through both individualised and personalised learning experiences. At the same time we acknowledge the importance of a student’s social and emotional development and the importance of working together with peers and adults to build positive relationships. Relationships underpin our values at Hope House School. We understand the power of building positive relationships to create and foster a culture of warmth, nurture, integrity, mutual respect and kindness within the school environment, valuing the individual at all times, which is reflected by ensuring the voice of our young people is heard through PRIDE (Peace, Respect, Independence, Determination and Equality) Force.
Our Ethos…
We work closely as a community with families and professionals, recognising that each brings their own area of expertise to support our students to become secure and independent members of society.