Welcome to our Curriculum page


Our curriculum at Hope House school is holistic and personalised, recognising each student is unique, with different strengths, interests, and individual needs, removing barriers that often prevent autistic students from accessing a rich and fulfilling education. Our curriculum aims to transform each student’s experience of education through a culture of integrity, mutual respect, and kindness, ensuring we always value individuals. All students from Early Years through to Post 16 access a broad and balanced provision. High staffing levels mean that we can provide individualised learning which can be adjusted to meet student needs, recognising that their tolerance of demands can fluctuate from day-to-day or during the day. Learning is enriched by an engaging personal development curriculum which includes outdoor learning, therapeutic interventions, work experience, volunteering, and enrichment experiences to prepare our students for adulthood.



Throughout the school, we plan learning experiences that are enjoyable, engaging, fun and where possible practical, both in and out of the classroom. Our curriculum provides a variety of opportunities to develop new skills and build on existing knowledge. The teaching of independent living skills through cross curricular topics and subject specific lessons helps students to transfer acquired skills to a range of social contexts. Teachers plan for and assess pupils’ abilities to ensure all pupils can access the curriculum and make progress. All pupils receive specific daily support in developing communication skills, play skills, building relationships and understanding their own and others’ emotions. Pupils benefit from 1:1 and small class groups where learning is personalised and adapted to cater for needs in a bespoke way. All students read and are read to daily. The curriculum is enriched through school trips, themed days, events and experiences that provide students with opportunities to benefit from contextualised learning. Teachers, in collaboration with the SENDCo and specialist therapists’ identity strategies that pupils may need to follow to access their learning and make progress. Therapeutic and academic interventions are based on provision mapping according to assessment and students EHCP.

Fundamental British Values

The fundamental British values of Mutual respect, Tolerance, Individual Liberty, Democracy and Rule of Law and SMSC thread through the curriculum content. Our PRIDE force members are elected through a democratic process and are ambassadors for the school. We consider British Values in our PSHE lessons. Assemblies focus on our British Values and celebrate cultural and historical dates.



Impact of our curriculum intent and implementation is measured using various criteria:

  • Pupil voice
  • Academic progress
  • Progress against
  • EHCP outcomes
  • Boxall profiles
  • Attendance
  • Stakeholder feedback
  • Successful transitions into mainstream school, post 16 providers or the work place
  • Progress against the PFA pathways
  • Progress against the Gatsby benchmarks
  • Early Learning Goals
  • Engagement models
  • AET assessment framework
  • NCFE functional level qualifications


We use the Tapestry online Learning journal to measure against the Early Learning Goals, which many of our younger students are working towards. Tapestry also provides opportunity to assess through continual observations of each student’s learning, through group activities, pieces of work, conversation and engagement in play. This journal supports observations towards assessment of students against the Engagement model and provides all parents and carers with daily updates of their child’s progress.

We use Earwig, an online assessment platform to measure against the Autism Education Trust assessment framework. Like Tapestry, this provides the opportunity for continual assessment through observation. We will shortly be launching a new framework based on Lancashire County Council’s Preparation for Adulthood toolkit on this platform too

Curriculum Maps






Students in Jupiter follow a personalised curriculum based on individual needs and preparing them for their next steps and adulthood


Implementation Documents

English and Reading.pdf










Personal Development